Lava caving / Hellaferð
In this tour we will explore with you one of many caves that the south part of Iceland has to offer. We will share with you and explore the geological history of the caves as we travel into the darkness with our lights shining the way. You will witness spectacular ice and lava formations as we work our way into the cave. In the end of the cave we will stop for a lunch and offer you a chance to taste some of the old Icelandic traditional food as well as telling you few stories about the trolls that are believed to use the caves as their habitats
We offer two versions of this tour one where we don´t go as deep into the cave and another where we go in more difficult caves and go deeper into the cave, let us know what you think you would like better?
Price for the tour, starting from Hveragerdi1-3 pers..... 131.600 ISK total price4 pers or more.. 32.900 ISK per pers- The tour is a private & tailor made to you, if you are traveling with a larger group, contact us and we can send you a price offer for your group
----------------------------------------------Extra service/PricesPick up1-3 pers..... 20.000 ISK total price4 pers or more.. 5.000 ISK per pers- Free pick up from Hveragerdi & nearest surroundings
Lunch bag..... 4.000 ISK per pers
----------------------------------------------Includes- Local guide who knows the area and the best lava caves depending on the weather.
- Light snacks (water and chocolate bar and a light blind tasting menu in the darkness of the cave)
- All cave equipment
- Extra gear that might be needed depending on the weather, crampons & more.
----------------------------------------------Not includedLunch is not included, it is ideal to have lunch with you but we will have some light snacks for you though. There is a bakery next door if you don´t bring with you. You can also request to have lunchbag included and waiting for you, when you arrive to our office for 2.500 ISK extra.----------------------------------------------What to bringLunch if you like, back pack, rain/ski jacked/pants, hat & gloves (warm ones) and warm layers- If you don´t think you have warm enough equipment, let us know and we most likely have it, and can lend you :)
----------------------------------------------Difficulty level,RANGES from 2&3 out of 5Good to have good balance as the surface of the cave can be quite uneven.Hiking distance,2-5 km (1-2 miles)Duration,6-7 hours
Other tour options:
- 3in1 tour - Lava caving, super jeep, earth cooking and hotspring bathing
- If you like bit easier lava cave option then we recomend to add a simple earth cooked lunch or dinner after the lava cave then we recommend the Lava caving & Hotspring cooking tour that we offer.
- Or combine the lava tour with the famous Golden circle tour
Eitt af sérkennum Íslands eru hraunhellarnir sem hafa allir orðið til á síðustu 10.000 árum samhliða eldsumbrotum.
Í þessari ferð munum við kanna rúmlega 5000 ára gamlan helli og hraunrás. Að stíga inn í þessa undraveröld sem hellarnir eru með höfuðljós og hjálm er eins og að stíga inn í annan heim.
Við munum fræða gesti okkar um tilurð og jarðfræði hellisins sem og bragða eitthvað af Íslenskum mat meðan við segjum ykkur nokkrar valdar sögur af tröllum og mönnum sem höfðust við í hellunum til forna.Við bjóðum þessa ferð í tveim erfiðleikastigum Í annari förum við í lengri helli en í hinni styttri helli, allt
eftir óskum og getu viðskiptavinarinsVerð:1-3 pers............. 131.600 kr. heildar verð4 pers eða flr. ........ 32.900 kr. per persInnifalið í ferðinni er létt nesti, allur búnaður fyrir hellaferðina og að sjálfsögðu þrautreyndur leiðsögumaður með margra ára reynslu af svæðinu.Erfiðleikastig:2 af 5 & 3 af 5 í erfiðleika stuðlinum,Koma með:Bakboka, nesti, auka vatnsflösku og góð föt sem auðvelt er að hjóla í, klæðnaður eftir veðri(gott að reikna með kulda í hellinum)Ferðin tekur sirka 4-6 klst. og er 1-3 km löngFerðin hefst frá Mánamörk 3-5 Hveragerði eða þar sem fólk óskar að við náum í það.