How to dress in Iceland
Icelandic summertime is normally considered to start in late May or early June and lasts through August, with the warmest weather usually around July/August. This is the most popular time for people to visit Iceland where the days are incredible long with the midnight sun shining and the time for activities and exploring seems endless.
The weather can still be unpredictable and some years it feels like summer never comes. The temperature can be from 5°C up to 25°C. But average the temperature is between 10° to 15°C.
The clothes and the equipment we recommend having when you are traveling Iceland in the summer time:Long thermal layers (top and bottom), warm sweater, hiking pants, rain jacket and pants, gloves (warm ones and lighter ones), warm hat, warm socks, sun glasses, sun screen, fly net, back pack, swimsuit, confortable shoes to hike in or proper hiking shoes with good support for the ankles as the land can be uneven.Take a look at the equipment photos... (The photos will come soon, still in progress) -
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