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E-bike Adventure / Rafmagnsfjallahjólaferð

  • This is a customized e-bike adventure tailored to your biking skills. The aim is to bike up to the second biggest volcanic area of Iceland, the Hengill volcano, where we will ride fun single tracks, amazing views, hotsprings, craters and so much more.

    Note, this ride is more suited for for those who have some experience mtb and are confortable on a bike in the mountain. 


    Price for the tour, starting from Hveragerdi         
    1-3 pers.....       131.600 ISK total price
    4 pers or more..   35.800 ISK per pers
    • The tour is a private & tailor made to you, if you are traveling with a larger group, contact us and we can send you a price offer for your group   
    Extra service/Prices
    Pick up
    1-3 pers.....       20.000 ISK total price
    4 pers or more..   5.000 ISK per pers
    • Free pick up from Hveragerdi & nearest surroundings 

    Lunch bag.....     4.000 ISK per pers

    • Local guide who knows the area.
    • Light snacks (water and chocolate bar) 
    • light refreshment cooked in a hotspring (hot chocolate and egg)
    • E-bikes or normal full suspension bike 
    • Helmet
    • Extra gear that might be needed depending on the weather.
    Not included
    Lunch is not included, you will be offered some light snacks. It is ideal to have lunch with you. There is a bakery next door if you don't bring with you. You can also request when booking the tour to have lunch bag included and waiting for you when you arrive to our office.
    What to bring
    Lunch, swimsuit, towel, back pack, rain jacked/pants, hat & gloves and warm layers 
    • If you don´t think you have warm enough equipment, let us know and we most likely have it, and can lend you :) 
    Difficulty level, 
    Depends on how challenging tour you are up for.     
    Biking distance,
    10-50 km (6-30 miles)
    6-9 hours
  • Lýsing á ferðinni kemur fljótlega


    1-3 pers..........          131.600 ISK samtals
    4 Pers eða flr. ......   35.800 kr. verð per pers
    Innifalið í ferðinni er fulldempanð TREK rail 5  rafmagnsfjallahjól,  hjálmue og að sjálfsögðu leiðsögumaður sem þekkir svæðið eins og handarbakið á sér og með margra ára reynslu af leiðsegja í fjallahjólaferðum.  
    Við erum með allann útbúnað og hjól í ferðina og eigum búnað til að taka börn frá tveggja ára aldri í ferðina ef getan er til staðar.

    Koma með:
    Sundföt, handklæði,, bakboka, auka vatnsflösku og góð föt sem auðvelt er að hjóla í, klæðnaður eftir veðri
    Ferðin tekur sirka 5-8 klst